Our dental referral technology provides information to general practitioners on how to identify tooth decay, apply fluoride varnish, and educate young patients about oral health. It also makes it easy for doctors, social workers, and other care professionals to refer children in need of oral care to nearby dentists who accept Medicaid, and to track the care they receive. In addition, our dental referral technology’s FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) gateway ensures information within the system is securely shared across oral health care teams for better overall coordination.
Children in Michigan who are referred to a dentist through the dental referral technology platform are five times more likely to visit a dentist and get preventive oral care than children who did not receive an electronic referral. Doctors also appreciate that when they use the dental referral technology, they are not only expanding access to oral health care in their communities, but are part of a collaborative care team that includes dentists.
“We do a lot of data collection in our office. [The dental registry] is … another great tool for us to use in documenting important referrals/health information.”
– Medical Provider